Monday 15 October 2012

Go west young man! (Or... east?)

An old high school math teacher of mine (calculus, to be specific) used to say to us, his oft bewildered students, "It's intuitively obvious to the most casual observer!"  Of course, it rarely was. Well, in a blogging stunt as baffling perhaps as hyperbolic trig, I named this page "West of California," while simultaneously moving from Seattle to Toronto.  I figured I better explain myself. The title I mean, not the move. The move was for love. Obviously!

The words "west of California" were spoken to me by a friend several years ago, when I lived near Los Angeles.  About 2003 I recollect.  It was a church event. He was postulating (or rather, something like modern day prophesying) about my future post-seminary, and apparently - post-California.  Well, in the immediate I ended up shooting straight north to WA in 2006 to be back near the family.  Yet, somehow the phrase resonated.  And it continues to intrigue me, capturing something I am still trying to discover.  Let me explain.. if I can.  

As a history student at Western Washington University, I was firmly introduced to the storied (fabled?) march of western progress, from the Enlightenment, to the Age of Exploration, New World discoveries, the Westward Movement, and the romance of Manifest Destiny. Of course, long before I cracked a college text, the whole thing had been deconstructed, doubted, even scorned. And for good reasons.  However, that's not my concern here - to add to the denigration of Columbus Day. But rather to acknowledge something mysterious and dynamic at the core of human experience, history and, if I dare say, human being-ness. Something that drives us, keeps us moving.  Keeps us learning, exploring, discovering. America itself is just one example.

We are always pushing the limits, going beyond.  Science, philosophy, art, invention, business, culture, and of course geographical expansion - all testify to this deep drive in us as a collective, and as individuals.  But we have reached an interesting era, or stage if you will. Fountains of youth, gold rushes, opportunities and frontiers have lured us west (in the West); but now we've come so far we've run smack into the East.  Instead of new frontiers, we have the "the last Frontier" - Alaska, I think. Well and we have the internet.  Point is.. where do we go from here?  What's "west of California"?  2001 has long since past, but the oydessy continues.  And we are still searching.

So, this blog is titled out of a fascination with this inexhaustible and universal human journey - destination yet unknown.  But it is also an individual adventure for each of us.  And so while I want to touch on, reflect on and explore broader topics from life and culture, I also want to share some of my personal reflections and individual experiences along the way, the path of my own discoveries.  I suppose I blame it on my bit of American "rugged individualism" or my white European thirst to explore (both remind me of my grandfather John); perhaps too it's my educator-geared mindset of a mind that's always restless for more, or my theologically impassioned spirit that tends to keep believing, keep hoping and keep looking for true self in the Other.

Whatever it is, this page is about adventure.  Mine and ours.  It's about stories, and a Story, not just facts.  About movement, not stagnation. About discovery.  And hopefully, about growing.  Here I am now in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.  Who would have predicted that a year ago, eh??  That's the beauty of it.

What will it continue to look like "West of California" - for me, for us, for all?  Who knows, but I know this:  It wasn't over when Israel reached the Promised Land. So let's keep moving, discovering, and "sharing our thoughts along the way."

No Manifest

Somewhere west of California
Life keeps marching on.
Where are we going? 
“Time will tell," they say.

Meanwhile time and life and we all move
And look for clues;
And share our thoughts
Along the way.

(originally posted in March 2012)